Mental Health and Suicide related issues have a horrendous effect on society financially, physically and emotionally. It currently costs the economy 0f Australia up to 60 Billion Dollars per annum to provide services in the areas of Abuse /Bullyiing this research was conducted by Deliottes for the Federal Government
Angels Hope Passion for kindness will provide resources and create funds to enable individuals and communities improve in areas of mental health especially in support available. The support will be A app which encourages people to have a close network who can support each other, self-help program, Parental program, and support other likeminded outreach services
A healthy community is a thriving community. Our objectives are to coordinate in Australia, all activities and programs relating to Kindness that can make a profound impact. Undertake and promote awareness of Bullying nationally throughout Australia
Angelshope will Provide information and advice and also develop, coordinate and participate in educational programs and partnerships relating to the prevention of Bullying through the act of kindness throughout Australian including regional areas, this will be done mainly by social media and all Promote, provide and coordinate services for the support and welfare of persons suffering from Bullying and associated conditions
The methodology used is research clearly has stated that bullying and abuse has a profound effect on Communities and the cost is substantial both in Financial and psychologically to the mental health of all involved
Angelshope through our own on the ground research and outsourced information has realised the more kindness is spoken about the more benefit to the local economy’s and more important the safety and mental health of others which in turn can lower the suicide rates in Australia
The methodology behind it is the communities need a mobile hub with both social media and coalface campaign making social generational change at the same time as bringing in valuable funds to help likeminded organisations fulfil their mission
- An increase in the number of people being involved throughout in community events in Australia
- An increase in the geographical areas being serviced with resources both in person and opportunities for help outside of normal hours
- Being proactive instead of Reactive to help prevent the rise in Suicides and mental health conditions
- Increases in someone's knowledge about a topic
- Higher levels of satisfaction, happiness or quality of life
- Changes in behaviour this includes all the Major Abuse/Bullying factors
The outcomes and successes Angelshope achieved January 2019 to June 2023 -
A Website that has a Average of 500,000 hits per year and 150,000 unique visitors. www.angelshope.org.au
Facebook continues to grow and reaches an average of 30,000 per week with a 10 percent average weekly engagement factor and is growing daily https://www.facebook.com/AngelsHopeAUNZ
Newspaper, Radio interviews and television air time
Being involved in community events
Television Advertisement that has had free television airtime Regional Australia
Chloe's Self-help Program
Changes to Legislation which has included bullying as a criminal offence into the crimes act Tasmania 2019
Free online resources being used for empowerment and resilience